by LibbyAtwater | Jan 22, 2016 | Blog, What Took You So Long?
I am very excited to offer you, my dear readers, a sneak preview of the next volume in my memoir. It is entitled, “What Took You So Long?” and I look forward to sharing the journey to its publication with you. (more…)
by LibbyAtwater | Jan 19, 2016 | Blog, The Spirit of Villarosa
In 2003 a colleague asked me to write the story of noted 20th century figure Horace Dade Ashton, a renaissance man, and his son Marc, the victim of a brutal kidnapping. Horace was no longer alive, but he tape recorded many of his amazing exploits before he died, and his sister detailed his celebrity in scrapbooks. Interviews with Marc revealed his close relationship with his father, but these did not tell the whole story.
by LibbyAtwater | Jan 12, 2016 | Blog
I find it wonderful to enter a room to speak and hear someone say, “Hi, Libby.” That’s exactly what happened on Sunday, January 10, when I spoke at Temple Beth Torah in Ventura and many of my neighbors attended. So many familiar faces smiled at me as I told my tale of living in three worlds: the one in which I grew up, the one I chose as an adult, and the one I discovered in late middle age. To say that my life is a juggling act would be an understatement.
by LibbyAtwater | Jan 7, 2016 | Blog, Memories, What Lies Within
I will speak about my two worlds—my Orthodox Jewish childhood detailed in my memoir What Lies Within, and the discovery of my Italian Catholic birth family more than 50 years later—to a private gathering on Sunday, January 10, 2016. Stories about my second world have appeared in three anthologies and will be compiled into the memoir ‘What Took You So Long?’ scheduled to be published in late 2016.
by LibbyAtwater | Jan 3, 2016 | Blog
New Year’s resolutions seem like politicians’ promises: made with good intentions; yet lost in life’s realities. For years I earnestly made resolutions, but in 2015 I began setting goals. Then I laid out the necessary steps to achieve them.
Some of my 2015 goals included introducing my memoir to a wider audience, learning new technology, and spending more time with family. For the most part I’ve achieved them, although technology changes so rapidly that it remains a huge challenge.
What are my goals for 2016? They include continuing to sell What Lies Within; publishing The Spirit of Villarosa, a book I coauthored and have worked on for nearly 13 years; completing What Took You So Long?, the amazing story of finding my birth family 11 years ago; and perhaps mastering some of the technology that remains a challenge.
Thanks to you, dear readers, I might actually reach some of these goals. I hope that you’ll reach some of your own.