New Year’s resolutions seem like politicians’ promises: made with good intentions; yet lost in life’s realities. For years I earnestly made resolutions, but in 2015 I began setting goals. Then I laid out the necessary steps to achieve them.

Some of my 2015 goals included introducing my memoir to a wider audience, learning new technology, and spending more time with family. For the most part I’ve achieved them, although technology changes so rapidly that it remains a huge challenge.

What are my goals for 2016? They include continuing to sell What Lies Within; publishing The Spirit of Villarosa, a book I coauthored and have worked on for nearly 13 years; completing What Took You So Long?, the amazing story of finding my birth family 11 years ago; and perhaps mastering some of the technology that remains a challenge.

Thanks to you, dear readers, I might actually reach some of these goals. I hope that you’ll reach some of your own.