Marc Ashton and I were warmly welcomed during our West Coast launch of The Spirit of Villarosa at The Adventurers’ Club of Los Angeles, which held a joint meeting with the Explorers Club of Southern California on Thursday July 21, 2016. More than 80 people interested in exploration and adventure came to hear about Marc’s father, Horace Dade Ashton, an intrepid adventure photographer, cinematographer, explorer, writer, diplomat, artist, scientist, and horticulturalist whose life spanned the late 19th and three-fourths of the 20th centuries. Marc Ashton shared the tale of his kidnapping in Haiti in 2001 and told how his father’s exploits and faith in his guardian angel led to his survival.

After the presentation, we were presented with gifts from the club before signing books for eager readers.

What a delightful way to introduce this great adventure story to the world!