I awoke to a sunny Southern California morning, complete with a clear blue sky, a gentle breeze, and the promise of warmer weekend weather. This beautiful day brightens my outlook and energizes me, especially after having been off the past week with a nasty virus.

I’m ready to tackle my work space with its piles of things to do. While it may seem disorganized at first glance, it really is well ordered. One pile houses my writing, my joy and solace. Another contains work for The Spirit of Villarosa, a soon-to-be published book I coauthored. The other piles hold personal and business items: bills to pay, birthday greetings to send, homework for a class I missed, books to read, and checkbooks to balance. All require attention, and I must perform triage, just as they did at the hospital with me last week. And now, let the assessment begin.

Thanks to all my loyal followers for your good wishes. I’m back!