Authors and Books Abound

Authors and Books Abound

Authors and books abounded at the Grant R. Brimhall Library in Thousand Oaks on Sunday, February 21, 2016 for the Local Author Book Fair. I was among them, offering copies of my award-winning memoir, What Lies Within, for sale.

Thanks to Jana Covell and Nancy Schram, more than 30 local authors converged to display and sell their fiction and nonfiction tomes. The potpourri of books included memoir and biography, children’s literature, general interest, humor, health and fitness, lifestyle, mystery and self-help.

T.O. 2-21-16

Library visitors browsed and bought while gathering free gifts from authors intent on introducing their books to a wider audience.

I had the good fortune to meet other authors and potential readers. I also donated a copy of my memoir to the library and urge other authors to do the same.

Rumor Has It

Rumor Has It

I grew up in New Jersey, a state where rumors abound. Maybe it’s because the East Coast has seasons, and people need to keep occupied during long, cold winters. Or perhaps people want to hurt others to make themselves feel better. I’ve never been a rumor monger because I’ve experienced the havoc a rumor can wreak and documented it in my memoir What Lies Within. (more…)

Review of What Lies Within: Bookish Review on Instagram

Review of What Lies Within: Bookish Review on Instagram

I have been enjoying finding new friends and other voracious readers on Instagram since I joined the photo-centric social media platform. You wouldn’t think so initially but there is a passionate literary community on Instagram including book reviewers, avid readers, and authors alike.

Freesia of recently read my memoir What Lies Within. Her review is touching:

“I was honored to meet Libby Atwater here in Instagram and read her memoir What Lies Within. I give it 4/4 stars. Her story starts by discovering she was adopted. How much strength finding that out would take is amazing. She traveled across the country to California, enduring more personal losses but becoming stronger and still fulfilling her dreams.

I enjoyed how she connected her story with the current events at the time, like the civil rights movement.

I think that time period certainly affected people’s lives more than ours might now. If you enjoy memoirs, I heartily recommend this one by Libby J Atwater. Thank you so much for sharing your story Libby! I was truly touched by your truth that comes through in this book!”

If you are on Instagram, I hope you will connect with me at

Blanche’s Birthday

Blanche’s Birthday

Each year on January 24th, I think of my sister Blanche and wonder where she is. The last time I saw her was December 1979, and the last time we spoke was in fall 1993.

During that call she informed me that she wanted nothing to do with our past. “Does that include me?” I asked. “Yes,” she answered.

I began to cry. (more…)

My Two Worlds

My Two Worlds

I will speak about my two worlds—my Orthodox Jewish childhood detailed in my memoir What Lies Within, and the discovery of my Italian Catholic birth family more than 50 years later—to a private gathering on Sunday, January 10, 2016. Stories about my second world have appeared in three anthologies and will be compiled into the memoir ‘What Took You So Long?’ scheduled to be published in late 2016.