Nature and People

Nature and People

White Cattleya Orchid
Have you ever wondered where the beautiful blooms of the white cattleya orchid that we enjoy today originated?

In 1906 two young Englishmen accepted a job from a wealthy countryman to travel to the Rio Negro Valley in Colombia, South America, where these rare orchids were reportedly spotted by a group of rubber gatherers. Explorer Horace Ashton encountered the young men at the boardinghouse where all three stayed. After the would-be explorers admitted they’d never been in the jungle and Ashton said he’d just returned from mapping the Magdalena River, they enlisted him as their guide.

To read about their adventure and how the orchids lived to become the parents of the white cattleya that can be seen throughout the world today, read The Spirit of Villarosa, available on June 28, 2016. This true adventure story contains a treasure trove of unknown tales.



Can you imagine discussing religion with Rasputin, spiritual advisor to Czarina Alexandra, the wife of Nicholas II of Russia?

When Horace Ashton traveled the world with President-Elect William Howard Taft in 1908, he had an audience with Russia’s last royal couple. The czarina asked, “How did such a young man become the press liaison officer with President Taft’s party?” (more…)

What’s in a Name?

What’s in a Name?

How we title our work often pertains to our story’s theme. The working title for my memoir What Lies Within was Silver Lining for nine years. Shortly before publication, the movie Silver Linings Playbook premiered. My book dealt with my early life and focused on adoption, abandonment, love, loss, and resilience. Silver Linings Playbook depicted mental illness, loss, and love. The film and my story differed greatly, and I did not want the works confused.

No Coincidences

No Coincidences

I’m convinced that there are no coincidences. Lately I’ve experienced enough chance occurrences to support my belief.

Only yesterday I encountered a friend on her morning walk when I went to get our newspaper. Her mother died recently, and although I’d sent a card, I hadn’t seen her. We talked for a few minutes, and tonight I’m accompanying her to a grief support group. I think the time together will benefit us both. But I can’t help thinking about the timing of our encounter. We were meant to meet at that moment. (more…)

How Individual Stories Contribute to History

How Individual Stories Contribute to History

American writer Willa Cather said, “The history of every country begins in the heart of a man or a woman.” That is why each person’s life story contributes to history as a whole.

For nearly four years I chaired the Oral History Program at the Museum of Ventura County, and my mission was to capture the stories of individuals who had made a significant difference in the county. I recruited many volunteers to help me, and together we gathered stories.